Every thing is possible even Word impossible is saying "I" Am Possible ^_^

How to add moving text in you blog


In this post will talk about "Marquee" TAg

Marquee tag is a tag which help you to add

sliding text in your blog and website as Demo is shown below

Tips and tricks

Tips and tricks

Tips and tricks

Tips and tricks

Tips and tricks

Tips and tricks

Tips and tricks

Tips and tricks

<<<Tips and tricks

Tips and Tricks

Follow these steps
  • Go to www.blogger.com
  • Login there with your account 
  • Follow some steps through pictures

  • Replace Red colour text with your own text
<marquee>Tips and tricks</marquee>  
Tips and tricks

<marquee behavior="slide">Tips and tricks</marquee>

Tips and tricks
<marquee behavior="alternate"scrollamount="5">Tips and tricks</marquee>
Tips and tricks

<marquee direction="left"scrollamount="20">Tips and tricks</marquee>
Tips and tricks

<marquee scrollamount="5"width="40">&lt;&lt;&lt;</marquee>
Tips and tricks<marquee scrollamount="5"direction="right"width="40">&gt;&gt;&gt;</marquee>

Tips and tricks>>>

<marquee width="60%" direction="up" behavior="alternate"><marquee direction="right" behavior="alternate">
Tips and tricks</marquee></marquee>

Tips and tricks

Change Link with your image link
<marquee scrolldelay="250"><img src="http://m.UploadEdit.com/b003/1349805168300.gif" /></marquee>

That's it and best of Luck